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on prayer

Focus on Prayer

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Year of Prayer 2022

As we are focusing on prayer this year it is our goal that in our prayer time we ask the Lord what the disciples asked Him, "Lord, teach us to pray."


Every Christian, no matter how seasoned and mature can grow in their commitment to and understanding of prayer.

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Prayer Ministry Initiative

The FBC Prayer Ministry Team sends out weekly prayer focus topics to help us unify our prayer as a church body.


If you would like to be added to the email list to receive these focus topics tap below.


If you have any additional questions regarding the Prayer Ministry Team contact Dale Rice at

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Prayer Breakfast

Everyone is invited to join with us in a morning of breakfast and prayer.


We will hear a word of encouragement from our brothers and sisters in Christ in Nepal! Additionally, we will spend time in focused prayer together.


Please register so we can have enough food for everyone!


Look forward to seeing you there!

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Prayer Resources

Recommended prayer resources:


How to Pray by Ronnie Floyd

A Passion for Prayer by Dr. Tom Elliff

Power Through Prayer by E.M. Bounds

Prevailing Prayer by D.L. Moody

With Christ in the School of Prayer by Andrew Murray

Rees Howells: Intercessor by Norman Grubbs


These books are available to check out from the church library.


They are also available on Amazon and



Saturday, October 22 @ 8am

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