Pastor Appreciation Luncheon
Sunday, September 29
after worship
Everyone is invited to join us Sunday, September 29th after morning worship in the chapel for a special luncheon to show appreciation to our pastoral staff!
Each family should bring 2-4 potluck dishes (according to family size). We will need a mix of main dishes, sides, and dessert. FBC will provide bread and drinks.
You're also encouraged to be in prayer for your pastors and let them know you appreciated them!
Prayer Breakfast
Saturday, October 12
The FBC Prayer Ministry invites you to join us for a FREE prayer breakfast event in the Fellowship Hall. We will share in a time of prayer and some mission updates from North Africa and Honduras.
Please register to give us an accurate count for the breakfast.
Questions? Contact Dale Rice
Weekly Podcast Sunday Sermons
Every week
Are you a fan of listening to podcasts? Now you can listen to all of Pastor Stan's Sunday morning sermons on your favorite platform!
Click below to get to our Watch Page to find the podcast and then connect it to your platform of choice.
FBC Experience Sunday P.M.
Beginning Sunday June 16
Sunday Evening Bible Study is back in a new way! Led by Pastor Chuck Walthall and using tech, find your way to participate in worship on Sunday nights.
We're always told what to do, but we're seldom told how to do it. Experience Sunday P.M. will be focused on the application side of living our sacred life in a secular world.
You have the option to join in the conversation through a Zoom link or watch on YouTube (link below).
Questions? Contact Pastor Chuck (
Ladies' Small Group Bible Studies
Wednesday mornings and evenings
Ladies' Bible Studies are offered on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 - 11:00am and Wednesday evenings at 6:00pm - 7:15pm throughout the year. Childcare is available upon request.
Other ladies' studies include coffee shop groups, in-home studies, and seasonal classes.
If you're interested in joining a group, check out the Ladies' Ministry page for registration links or contact for more info.
Bible studies will restart Wednesday, September 4 at 9:30am and 6:00pm.
Grandmoms Prayer Group
Wednesdays, 10:00-11:00am
Do your grandchildren need prayer? Connect with other grandmothers who pray for children and schools, impacting them for Christ in more than 150 countries.
Join us every Wednesday at 10am for a time of powerful prayer. We start back Wednesday, September 4. Contact Mary Ann Sullivan for more details.
Fall Ladies Bible Study - "Jude"
Starting Wednesday, September 4
The FBC Ladies’ Ministry invites all women to join us for the Ladies’ Wednesday Evening Bible Study. We will be studying "Jude" by Jackie Hill Perry.
While often overlooked, the book of Jude remains as relevant today as the time it was written. God has commanded His beloved church to do the necessary work of contending for the faith in a world of unbelief, and as we do, He will keep us from falling into the same deception.
In this 7-session study from Jackie Hill Perry, dive into themes of being called, loved, and kept, and learn how to point others to Jesus in grace and truth.
Childcare is provided upon request.
Cost is $15.
Experience Christmas 2024
Saturday, December 7th
Join us for your new Christmas tradition! Our fifth annual Experience Christmas is not to be missed. Stained-glass chapel Christmas tree display, live nativity, light display, live music, free refreshments and more!
More information coming soon! Contact us if you have more questions!
JOY Senior Adult Group Trip to Ark Encounter & Creation Museum
Oct 14 - 19, 2024
Senior adults are invited to a fun trip to the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum in the Cincinnati, Ohio area.
Trip price includes: motor coach transportation, 5 nights lodging including 3 consecutive nights in the Cincinnati area, 8 meals, admission to the Ark Encounter, Creation Museum, and Cincinnati Museum Center including an Omnimax Show.
Final payment due August 7, 2024.
Get all the details and register by clicking below.
Questions, contact
Pat Tinney @ (850) 243-7777.
Men's Small Group Bible Studies
Wednesdays @ 6:00pm
Sunday mornings @ 7:45am
What if men were discipled in a format that was ideal for them, not women or children?
FBC Men's Ministry is using The Man Church curriculum in small groups to grow and disciple men in study and accountability groups that make a difference! Sunday Morning Study starts back August 11 and Wednesday Evening Study starts back August 14.
If you are interested in becoming a part of a group click the link to get plugged in!
Men's Groups are taking a break for the summer & will restart in the fall!
Men's Worship Dinner
Thursday, October 10
6:00 - 8:00 pm
All men, young and old, are invited to join us for a bonfire, steak dinner, praise & worship, and encouraging message at the home of Tomasz Bielenin in Baker. (See website for address.)Bring a lawn chair!
Guest speaker is Tony Cooper of The Man Church Ministries featured on The Rick and Bubba Show. Cost is $20/person; $40/family max. Registration is required for dinner. DEADLINE TO REGISTER is Friday, October 4th. (To attend the worship with no steak dinner is FREE.)
Questions? Contact Tomasz Bielenin or Eric Kitchen.
Chili Cook-off at the Fall Festival
Saturday, October 26
starts at 3pm
Do you make a mean pot of chili? Show off your skills in our Chili Cook-off at the Fall Festival.
Cook-off is open to everyone.
Categories are Traditional and Non-traditional chili.
Bring your chili in a crockpot to the church Fellowship Hall at 3pm for judging.
You could win a gift card and bragging rights!
Questions? Contact Beth Hendricks at
Fall Ladies Bible Study - "Sermon on the Mount"
Starting Wednesday, September 4
The FBC Ladies’ Ministry invites all women to join us for the Ladies’ Wednesday Morning Bible Study. We will be studying "Sermon on the Mount" by Jen Wilkin.
In His sweeping depiction of kingdom citizenship, Jesus utters some of the most familiar passages in all of Scripture. Most of us have only encountered the Sermon on the Mount in fragments.
What if we read them as one cohesive, well-ordered message, intended to challenge us to think differently about what it means to be a follower of Jesus?
Childcare is provided upon request.
Cost is $15.
Wednesdays starting August 21
Kids grades K3-6th grade are invited to join us for this amazing discipleship and evangelism program!
Kids will engage with the Gospel and build lifelong faith through Bible engagement, Scripture memorization, and leader-child relationships.
Our Awana program is free for those who need it, but if you are able to cover the cost of your child attending for the year, it costs us about $40/child.
Awana starts Wednesday, August 21.
Contact with questions.
Open Doors Building Campaign
Starting Now!
Join us in the vision to bring financial freedom to First Baptist Crestview that will open doors to more ministry!
The goal is to pay off the building debt so there will be financial freedom to allow for more ministry, missions, and other outreach!
Pray about where God is leading you and give in person or online.
Questions? Contact us at